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Mediator Pattern in Java

Chatroom Application using the Mediator Pattern

Here we will use the Mediator pattern in the context of a chatroom application. First we will define an interface for our mediator

//Mediator interface 
public interface Mediator{
	public void send(String message, Colleague colleague);	

While we described the Colleague as an interface above, it is more useful to use an abstract class in this case:
//Colleague interface 
public abstract class Colleague {
 private Mediator mediator;
 public Colleague(Mediator m) {
	mediator = m;
 // send a message via the mediator
 public void send(String message) {
	mediator.send(message, this);
 // get access to the mediator
 public Mediator getMediator() {
	return mediator;
 public abstract void receive(String message);

Now let's create our concrete mediator implementation
import java.util.*;

public class ApplicationMediator implements Mediator {
 private ArrayList<Colleague> colleagues;
 public ApplicationMediator() {
  colleagues = new ArrayList<Colleague>();
 public void addColleague(Colleague colleague) {
 public void send(String message, Colleague originator) {
 /* let all other screens know that this screen has changed */
  for (Colleague colleague : colleagues) {
   if (colleague != originator) {

Finally we will create one concrete colleage.
public class ConcreteColleague extends Colleague {
 public ConcreteColleague(Mediator m) {
  // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
 public void receive(String message) {
  System.out.println("Colleague Received: " + message);

If we assume that we could have many different colleagues that react differently when a message is received, this pattern fits in well. For example, we could have a mobileColleague that needs to display the message differently to the desktop colleague.
public class MobileColleague extends Colleague {
	public MobileColleague(Mediator m) {
		// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
	public void receive(String message) {
		System.out.println("Mobile Received: " + message);

Here's a client that drives the entire application:

public class Client {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		ApplicationMediator mediator = new ApplicationMediator();
		ConcreteColleague desktop = new ConcreteColleague(mediator);
		MobileColleague mobile = new MobileColleague(mediator);
		desktop.send("Hello World");

Advantages of the Mediator Pattern

Mediators improve code organization in many ways: reducing subclassing, decoupling subsystems, and simplifying messaging systems and protocols.

Disadvantages of the Mediator Pattern

  1. Complexity can creep into a Mediator over time as you customize it for new applications. You have missed the point if you allow a Mediator to become too complex. Several Mediators tailored for specific applications can help. Be careful not to add back the complexity you are trying to eliminate.
  2. A mediator class can exceed its original intent if you are not careful. A good OO program is a network of cooperating agents. Focus your mediators on doing one thing only.